Karthwine Tirya Clearsong Abyworld.com - about Abyssinian cats around the world
Cat Details 
Alicia Of Abu Simbel
Aksum Af Glaede   x  Tammitorp's Adela 
Cat ID:  556     Record Added by:  Kennedy, George     Last Changed:  19/10/1997 11:22:46     Record Version:  0 
Data Sources:  PinBluHil ped 
Title / DM:  
Cattery Name: (none) 
Name: Alicia
Suffix: Abu Simbel 
Sex: Female
Breed: 23 (Usual Abyssinian)
Date of Birth: 15-Jul-1984
Registration Body: CFA
Registration No. 0381-232979
Blood Group: ?
Carrying Status: Sorrel
Country/Export History: DNK-USA
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Maja Lohrenghel

Record History (where held)

User Action Detail Date/Time